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Our Governing Body

Key Governor Documents

As a Governing Body there are certain statutory policies and documents we  make available to the public.


These can accessed by clicking  here.

The Branch - Our Termly Governor Newsletter

The Govenors publish a termly newsletter for parents to give an update on their latest work and impact for the School. 


The latest copy can be accessed by clicking here.

Teddy Bear

Safeguarding is the key driver at our School, and involves all things regarding child protection, esafety, health and safety and a whole host of other matters. The policies can be read here. The School's safeguarding return to the LA has been completed and agreed in September 2023

How to Raise a Concern or Complaint

If you do need to speak to a governor about any subject please contact the Chair of Governors, Gary Hampton, via the school office.

Whilst almost all issues can be resolved 'informally' through discussion, should you feel the need to view our Complaints Procedure, it can be found on our policies page.

Governors and Register of Interests

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