Headteacher: Mrs Carol Taylor
Phone: 02380 843162
Information for keeping children safe
Keeping Safe Online
At Orchard we value ICT within our school and encourage our children to experience different ways of accessing technology. From laptops and tablets through to iPods and chromebooks, our children are able to access a wealth of resources and explore different technologies to suit their learning styles.
The eSafety of our children is of paramount importance to the school and something that we monitor and revisit regularly. We also work closely with the local authority to ensure that we are up to date with current advice and practice.
Alongside eSafety lessons we also invite various community representatives to come and talk about e-safety to the children. Along with this the children are asked to read and sign an acceptable use policy which highlights the responsibility of our pupils to be good digital citizens. This is part of our eSafety Policy explains how we do this and is available for you to download in the policies section of this website.
We know that parents and carers will also be very concerned that their children are protected and safe when using the Internet, both in school and at home. We have added some useful websites below that contain information on how to keep your children safe, tips on how to initiate conversations around the subject of eSafety and specific advise on online gaming. We also hold various parents evening where we will try and and share eSafety tips with our parents and carers.
As this is ever changing, we have links below to websites who provide excellent, up to date advice for parents.