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Celebration Assembly
13th September 2024

We have just had our first celebration assembly of the year for our Stars of the Week! Well done to them all!


An Update Regarding last year's Water Walk

Mrs Fenton was delighted to receive an update this week from The Kisoboka Trust following fundraising last year. All of the pupils took part in a Water Walk, raising money to support the building of toilets for a school in Uganda.


 As promised. the charity have kept us updated with the building progress and the children have had photos shared with them this week in class.


As a school, we are incredibly proud of the children- their efforts and fundraising will make such a difference to  hygiene at the school. What a difference £600 has made!


If you would like to read the update and see photos, have a look at this link.


Congratulations to all our leavers. We wish you well at your new schools.


We look forward to seeing everyone else and welcoming our new year 3 pupils on the 3rd September for a great new year!


Wishing all our Orchard Families a Happy Summer Holiday!!

New Year Info 2024 - 2025

Sports Update

Today we held our annual Sports Celebration assembly. Reflecting on an incredible year of school sport, celebrating both individual and team success. 


2023-24 in numbers:


204 children have competed in sporting events for Team Orchard this school year, representing our school impeccably as always. We are incredibly proud of this achievement. 


We have taken part in 67 sports events, fixtures and competitions this year. 


8 times Orchard Junior School represented the New Forest area at Hampshire School Games events. 


10 school athletics records were broken this year! 


We also brought back our Sports Achievement Award for the first time since before lockdown. This year the trophy was awarded to Sophie for always representing Orchard with the upmost respect, enthusiasm and pride. Competing for Orchard in almost every sport possible over her time at Orchard. Showing an incredible dedication to school sport, a willingness to learn and develop her skills in PE, lunch time clubs, morning training sessions and even doing extra practices at home. Congratulations and well deserved Sophie. 


A huge congratulations to everyone who has represented Team Orchard for the school year 2023-24, well done - you have made us all very proud! 


We can't wait to see what we can achieve next year! 


Southampton  Schools Champions

On Monday, our Year 5&6 Girls Football team faced Highfield Primary in the Southampton Schools City Cup final at Oasis Mayfield Academy. Doing as they have done all season, they played incredible football with great energy and hard work, resulting in a dominate 3-0 win! Three excellent goals from Jess, Hettie and Skye and another clean sheet for Layla and our defenders to be very proud of! 


The perfect way to end the season for our Year 6s as they look ahead to secondary school, who have been great role models for our three Year 5s in our team this season, hoping to retain the trophy next season! Congratulations Girls!


Year 3

The Year 3 children have been learning about the different regions in Brazil.  in groups, the children created a table top display for one of the regions to persuade others to visit.  Excellent team work was shown by all.


Year 5 Maths Challenge

On Tuesday, a very talented group of mathematicians were invited to the New Forest Maths challenge at Applemore College.  It was a morning full of a range of tricky maths challenges where we saw our children strive to be their best, apply their knowledge and show great team work.  The problem-solving activities included translation, building structures, fractions, code breaking etc. Our children’s hard work and determination paid off as we saw Team 2 come 1st and Team 1 come 2nd out of all the local schools who brought 2 teams each. We are super proud of all of these children not just because of their tremendous maths knowledge but of the behaviour and attitude.


Orchard Students Past and Present amazing are our Orchard pupils, current and past. 


On Tuesday, two year 5 teams took part in the Applemore Maths Challenge. There were ten teams and Orchard took first and second place! Thank you to Mrs Walley for organising this event and Mrs Dew for taking the children to take part. 


Secondly, Mrs Fenton was incredibly proud to see past pupils take part in the current  Noadswood production of Matilda. It is always encouraging to see how pupils have progressed in their love of performing. It really was a wonderful show. 

Year 6 Hythe Walks

On Wednesday, 6DW had an great trip to Hythe to carry out surveys and questionnaires for their Geography project. Everyone in Hythe was very friendly and the children enjoyed chatting to locals and tourists and finding out what they like about Hythe. 

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Unexpected Visitors

We had some unexpected visitors today on the field. A swarm of Honeybees arrived much to the amazement of the pupils. We called in the expertise of a local beekeeper who came in to gather the swarm into a temporary hive so they can be relocated. 

If you would like to know more information about honeybees and discuss the excitement with your child please see


Year 5 PSHE

This morning, as part of the PSHE curriculum on 'Keeping Safe,  5JF is receiving a three hour course on First Aid. Paul is teaching us how to respond in emergencies. As you can see from the photos, we have been working on putting people into the recovery position and running through a list of checks to keep the airway open. The other Year 5 classes will also take part in this training this week. We are looking forward to receiving our Mini Medic certificates at the end of the course. 


Castleton 2024

This is their last photo from Castleton, They have had an amazing time and can not wait to tell you all about it!!


Today we visited Eyam. Here is a picture of the children at Riley graves.

6CB have been an absolute dream to spend time with


6DW had a lovely day at  speedwell and Peveril castle and doing their field work 


6MB celebrated reaching the trig point of Mam Tor - before the rain came in


6MB had ice cream in the sunshine at Eyam after visiting the church, Riley graves and the boundary stone. The next stop was the "best park ever"


6DW made it to the top of Mam Tor - Hurray!!

6CB had a lovely time looking round Peveril Castle

6CB celebrating reaching the trig point at the top of Mam Tor. They showed great resilience and team work.

6DW at the Boundary Stone in Eyam after visiting the church, hearing all about what it must have been like to live in a lockdown!

6MB have had a great day visiting Speedwell Cavern, climbing Peveril Castle and carrying out their Castleton survey. 

Year 5 Arts Day at Noadswood

Today, all of year 5 are enjoying Arts Day at Noadswood. We are taking part in drama, art and music activities. We are very grateful to Mrs Rollett and the teachers involved from the Noadswood staff for putting this fabulous day together for our pupils. 

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Castleton 2024

They all made it safely to Castleton and are looking forward to lots of fun over this week.


PTFA Update

Thank you so much to the hard work fundraising by our PTFA, We have now taken delivery of our new minibus! Our first outing will be a cross country race next week.


Thanks again to the PTFA.

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School Notices


Please see below the link for some Noadswood Open events for year 5s to think about which secondary school they wish to go to, 


As soon as the other schools send theirs over we will let you know,

Here are New Forest Academy's Open Mornings Information


Open evenings for year 6

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