Headteacher: Mrs Carol Taylor
Phone: 02380 843162
Celebration Assembly
31st January 2025
We have just had our celebration assembly for our stars of the week! Well done to them all!
Year 3
Year 3 were doing some enquiry work today linked to their science on skeletons. They used Year 6 to help answer their science question: "Do our bones grow over time?" As you can see, they all worked so well together measuring and recording so that they could compare their different types of bone lengths.

Year 5
Year 5 have had a fantastic afternoon bringing their Dragon Eye designs to life in clay. We are looking forward to painting them later this week.

3JD have been looking at the skills of PowerPoint Presentations! Today, they have learnt the skill of animations and linked both their graphics and wording to an Animation - entrance, emphasis and/or exit method.
We are super proud of what has been produced so far!

Whilst we appreciate these dates are nearly a year away, CAMHS have shared with local schools today so we expect that they may book up quickly. Earlier dates are available if you are able to travel, please follow the attached link
Other sessions are planned further afield within Hampshire focusing on ADHD and embracing autism. Please follow the attached link for more information
For information and to book a place go to www.hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk/events/ -
some events have a small charge to cover costs, some discretionary free tickets are available.
Details are:
How to cope when your child can’t: one-day event focused on parents/carers
understanding their own needs, and learning strategies to look after themselves as they support a young person with their own mental health needs.
Tickets £25 incl coffee and lunch.
9.30am - 3.15pm
• Thursday, 23 October 2025 Colbury Memorial Hall, 133 Main Rd, Totton, Southampton SO40 7EL
PACE – Parent and Carer Events:
• Friday, 7th November 2025 Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Community Centre, Central Car Park, High Street, Lyndhurst SO43 7NY 2025
Santa Dash
The Pupils had great fun taking part in our annual Santa Dash! Well done everyone!

Year 5 DT
We have been very impressed by Year 5's sewing skills over the last week. They have all made cushions that they will be able to use at home or maybe even take to Osmington Bay.

Year 5 Christingle
What a wonderful Christingle service yesterday morning - well done to Year 5. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this thoroughly enjoyable occasion.
Thank you to Tesco for donating all the oranges for our Christingle.

3JD have been getting messy this afternoon and were making the walls of a stone age house using "wattle and daub!" Some great weaving going on here!

Hedgehog Rescue
Our Afterschool Football club found a poorly hedgehog on the field. One of our LSA's took him to a hedgehog rescue. He is safe and is now being looked after and has been called Orchard! He is a boy and he weighs 243 grams

Poppy Appeal
We have had an update from the Poppy Appeal and as a school we raised £318.02 this year, compared to last year when we raised £136.40. Thank you so much for all your generosity.

Baby Necessities Collection
Parents and carers,
Thank you so much for the generous donations that have already come in for the Southampton based charity, Baby Necessities. We already have a baby bath, Moses basket, craft items, baby shampoo, wet wipes and a selection of both new and good quality second-hand baby clothing. Thank you!
We still have another couple of weeks for donations before we organise collection. Whether it's £1 spent on a pack of wet wipes or something more, it really doesn't matter. 'Keep Giving' is one of the Back to Basics strands we focus on when considering our own emotional health. It's great for the children to see this is action.
Mrs Fenton and the School Council are so encouraged by your generosity! Thank you so much.

Year 6
Year 6 were visited by Marc, a local historian yesterday. They learnt about the part our local area played during World War 2. The children were fascinated and Marc's delivery kept them fully engaged for an hour. We are so grateful when people like Marc come and enrich our curriculum.
Marc has sent through these additional links for the children to explore at home. We think our families would enjoy it too! So much we have learnt about various places in our area linked to the war,
Bronze Age to WW2 Anti-Invasion Defences in 13 Steps (filmed on Fawley Enclosure)
Trenches & Tree Carvings in New Forest (left by Canadians in WW2?) (filmed on Dibden Enclosure)
The BEAULIEU Letters
The Beaulieu Dairy House (Hidden Gun Position)
Snow Day
The whole school enjoyed the snow during breaktime

4RK were a little distracted this morning

3JD have been learning about how rock families have been created over time using sweets!

Year 4
Today we completed a sound experiment in year 4. We used elastic bands and different containers to explore pitch and volume.

Year 3
Year 3 have been testing the properties of rocks this afternoon.
They looked at the hardness, the permeability, if it fizzes when vinegar is added and whether it floats or not!
Safe to say, 3JD stinks!


Year 3
This week, Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age and have begun by creating their own cave paintings!

Year 4
We have worked in groups to construct our Anglo -Saxon model settlements. We have included the main key elements of a village such as the homes and fires. Also, we have tried to show the location factors such as rivers and forests.

Year 5 Water Walk
Children had a great time on Wednesday raising money for the Kisoboka Trust by undertaking a Water Walk around the playground.
We will let you know how much money has been raised when we have a total.

Year 6 Multiplication Support
If your child would like some support with Multiplication or would like to do some more multiplication work. Please use the QR Codes Provided.

PTFA Update
Thank you so much to the hard work fundraising by our PTFA, We have now taken delivery of our new minibus! Our first outing will be a cross country race next week.
Thanks again to the PTFA.

School Notices

The Road Safety Team are responsible for educating young people and their families on the importance of keeping safe when travelling in a vehicle. Part of this education includes ensuring young people are travelling with correct restraints. Are you aware that 37% of children are in the wrong type of seat for their age and/or height? The Road Safety Team would like to share this car restraint leaflet with you to ensure you know how to always keep your child(ren) safe – in the correct restraint. There are also hints and tips about choosing the right seat, transporting other people’s children and how to fit different types of car seat. To read this informative leaflet, please visit – In car safety parent guide.

February Half Term Clubs at Orchard and Noadswood
Join us this February Half Term for two amazing sports camps – one at Orchard Junior School and one at Noadswood School!
February Half Term Soccer School at Orchard Junior School – Years 1-3
Mr. Ramsey's Football Clinic is bringing a fun and exciting football camp to Orchard Junior School for two days!
Orchard Junior School
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st February
9 AM - 3 PM
Perfect for boys and girls in school years 1-3!
Book now: Click here to book
Email: footballclinicuk@gmail.com
February Half Term at Noadswood School – Years 4-6
Waterside Sports Camp is back at Noadswood hosted by Mr Shearsmith with football and netball camps designed for children transitioning to Noadswood!
Football Camp
Netball Camp
Ideal for children coming to Noadswood
Meet Noadswood PE Teachers & Champions
Start your transition to Noadswood with sports!
Noadswood School
Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st February
9 AM - 3 PM
A fantastic way to stay active, make new friends, and experience Noadswood sports!