Headteacher: Mrs Carol Taylor
Phone: 02380 843162
Ok. So school is closed today because of the snow! Isn't that exciting for you?
We really hope you manage to get out and experience the snow. We don't get to see it too often on the south coast so first of all go and enjoy it!
If you want to do some snow related activities here are some ideas to help you.
Watch this video about Kai, who is an 11 year old skier (that's a year 6 age child).
Well, we hope that video inspires you to do something. You could:
write a story about "a day in the life of" Kai.
write a poem about how it feels.
retell the story using playmobil or soft toys and film the commentary of how it feels to be Kai
make a flip book of one of his moves
Or anything else this video inspires you to do!
Ever fancied ice-skating or doing the bobsleigh? Now's your chance. You will need someone (the more the merrier) to work with for this brilliantly fun dance routine from the BBC. It could be another child or an adult. (Ignore when it says this is part 2 - just go with it!) Click the ice skates to take you to the session!

Which material in my house will stop an ice-cube from melting?
What do you do when you get really cold? You probably put a coat on, maybe even a hat and a coat. What about if you are going out on an extremely hot day and you want to keep your sandwich cool? You might put it in a special packed-lunch box that keeps the food inside cool. Our coats and the lunch-box are what scientists call INSULATORS. Insulators are what you are going to investigate today! Get ready to predict, observe and record. Off you go, super scientists!
Have a look at the snowman picture (click on it and it will become larger) and think about which child you think is right. Then click on the task and watch the video clip which explains what you are going to do.
Simple - go and make some art in the snow. Take a picture and put it on the class blog!
This YouTube video might give you some inspiration!
Want to stay in contact?
To find your class blog, go to the Purple Mash home page and find the ‘Tools’ box. Find the Communicate box and click on 2blog. Here you will find your class blog from which you will be able to contact your teacher and members of your class. Make sure your messages are kind and helpful. You can also email each other or the teachers through Purple Mash.
You can email things you've done to your class teacher at "classname"@orchardjunior.com.
Someone will try to look at the emails each week day and get back to you.