Headteacher: Mrs Carol Taylor
Phone: 02380 843162
Spring 2021
We have set this page up to support the home learning in the first two days of either a whole school or "bubble" closure.
Of course, no one wants this, but we must do our best to ensure children continue to do their best and remain in their learning mindset. We do not want the children to slip behind at this time. As a result, we do expect the children to do as much of the work as they realistically can, and, of course, only if they are well enough to complete the work.
If possible, your teacher would love to see your completed work and we ask you to email it them (this can be photographs or scans). Send it to the class email address is "classname"@orchardjunior.com so Mrs Knight's Class is 3RK@orchardjunior.com
Children can stay in touch through their emails and blogs on Purple Mash.
Reading books can be read through our online library.
Times tables can be continued to be practised through Times Tables Rock Stars.
Links to all of these are at the bottom of this page.
Good luck everyone!
The literacy task we'd like you to do is based on a "Swimming Giraffe".
Task: The possibilities are endless and there are no wrong answers. Look at all the ideas of what you could do on the task sheet. Remember to use your writing skills taught in your Literacy and SPaG lessons! This task should take you at least two sessions to do properly and well, so spend some good time thinking.
Once you have completed your chosen style of writing, publish it and then send it in to your class teacher via Purple Mash or your class email. We cannot wait to see how creative you are!
In Maths, we'd like you to complete a couple of investigations.
Day 1: We'd like you to do some "Monster Maths". Have a look at the slides first and see if you can work out how much the monster is worth. Then see if you can succeed in the monster challenges!
Day 2: Today there are a variety of different maths puzzles for you to try based on simple arithmetic. There is an honesty sheet too (but don't peek at that too soon!)
Which material in my house will stop an ice-cube from melting?
What do you do when you get really cold? You probably put a coat on, maybe even a hat and a coat. What about if you are going out on an extremely hot day and you want to keep your sandwich cool? You might put it in a special packed-lunch box that keeps the food inside cool. Our coats and the lunch-box are what scientists call INSULATORS. Insulators are what you are going to investigate today! Get ready to predict, observe and record. Off you go, super scientists!
Have a look at the snowman picture (click on it and it will become larger) and think about which child you think is right. Then click on the task and watch the video clip which explains what you are going to do.
Pretty Portraits: Your art task is to complete a portrait of a family member. You could choose someone who is at home with you or you could find a photo of a family member you would like to see. Follow the step by step guide in the task sheet (click on the picture of the portrait). When you have finished you could colour it in really carefully or even use paint.
Want to stay in contact?
To find your class blog, go to the Purple Mash home page and find the ‘Tools’ box. Find the Communicate box and click on 2blog. Here you will find your class blog from which you will be able to contact your teacher and members of your class. Make sure your messages are kind and helpful. You can also email each other or the teachers through Purple Mash.
You can email things you've done to your class teacher at "classname"@orchardjunior.com.
Someone will try to look at the emails each week day and get back to you.
As always, we would like you to practice your times tables and spellings.
Parents please test your children in the way we do at school - they will tell you how!