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We are very proud of the hard work that has recently gone into developing our Curriculum which incorporates the National Curriculum for Mathematics


Our maths curriculum strives to create enthusiastic, happy and confident mathematicians through stimulating and varied lessons.


Our lessons encourage children to:

  • confidently explain their ideas and understanding to others

  • calculate fluently using mental and written methods

  • solve problems by thinking clearly and logically and using reasoning skills

  • develop strategies for investigating to enable them to spot patterns and relationships in numbers

  • understand how maths will help them in all aspects of life


TIMES TABLES: Our whole school approach to times tables offers opportunities for all children to gain certificates as they work their way up through the levels to reach the ultimate – platinum. Sheets to help you practice at home can be found by clicking here.

Times tables homework is checked by their class teachers every Wednesday morning.


Often parents say children learn things in a different way to when they were in School, especially in Maths. In a sense this is true. As a result, we have put together a very helpful step-by-step guide for supporting your child's mathematics at home called "Progression in Calculation". It tells you how the children develop their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division from Year 3 through to Year 6. If you'd like a copy please click here

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